should be concerning to buyers, as many private buyers might be interested in a short sale, only to resell the property again for a much higher price. Be very careful when deciding to sell to a real estate investor and the final price for which you’re willing to sell your property. To minimize the risks of making a bad transaction with a real estate investor, it’s a good idea to work closely with your selling agent. He or she can do some extra research on the possible buyer as well as help you estimate the correct market value of the house.
Delinquent property taxes can be a complex and difficult issue to resolve, especially when the owner is faced with a challenging financial situation. Here are some steps to consider and tips to follow when trying to set up a payment plan for property taxes: • Contact the city or the county collector’s office. Based on the block and lot of your property, the Treasurer’s Office will help you determine exactly what you owe in taxes, penalties, and other costs. • Consider that each state has its individual deadlines and penalty fee structure. • Work with the government representative to set up an individual payment plan. This might require a down payment from you. • Show good faith by making payments. Most governments require owners to make annual payments, plus the interest accumulated from the delinquent tax. If you default on the plan, the government will likely foreclose the property and auction it off to recover the owed amount.
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